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Committed to Excellence


​Before 2008, Jon Riley performed home energy evaluations to advise builders and homeowners on how best to solve their home performance issues.   As Jon worked with contractors who were hired to do the improvements he had recommended, he gained a greater understanding of the insulation market.  He learned that few insulation installers could provide services to meet the building envelope goals he had set for his clients’ projects.  So Jon bought a truck, a cellulose blower and the tools he needed, and he began to provide the service himself.

Fast forward to today.  Casco Bay Insulation has grown primarily by word of mouth, and work with many of the best home builders in Southern Maine.  We employ a growing group of awesome people, and still concentrate on quality over quantity.  Providing full building envelope services for new construction and modern existing homes, we pride ourselves on being able to unlock and improve the energy puzzles that high performance homes present. Our range of insulation and air sealing solutions always include dense pack cellulose as our insulation of choice.


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